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About Φυσις (fusis) and portraits

Starting with a banal evidence, well yes ... "time flies". In front of it we handle the camera of the cell phone many times as a machine gun: wherever, whenever, whatever. For those who are interested in the subjects of semiology, semantics and other disciplines to agitate the neurons until the synapses are short-circuited, it would be enough to ask yourself what is the "solidity" offered by these images offered by the current facilities, their over abundance , in this internal process that we call "memory". Children who grow up, relatives who arrive ... those who leave, too. In photojournalism, I became obsessed with using my camera to "see behind the mirror", behind things themselves, behind everything ... what if it could be done, of course, with time and effort ... just once "on the other side" one realizes that his camera had only been the door to enter fully where we had been well advised not to go ... Is it better on one side or the other of the mirror? , there is no point: it is your business, nothing else. What yes, there are bridges between both worlds, photographic bridges and for me the portrait is what I prefer to use. There will always be the aesthetic angle sought by the "client", to look and feel good in front of the image that is made of himself and his close ... but where things get interesting is when it is accepted to "reveal" something inside that only he and I can recognize in the final shot. The photo will have a "something" for those who pay attention, but, it will be as encrypted in a glance or a gesture, an atmosphere, like the messages on the old clay tablets covered with false messages, to mislead the potential interceptors, a few thousand years ago of years...
Being "on the other side of the mirror" has its advantage: in photography, one can have access to these reflections, some speak of the reflections "of the soul", of the people who portray ... and can give them to their "model" without the latter having to suffer the difficulties that such a position entails ...
Hence Greek (pre-Socratic) philosophers like Heraclitus and this fusis (Φυσις), "nature" (of things, in a broad sense) by studying and pursuing its reality principle, can continue to pass from one side to the other of the mirror through each photographer and each model.

A good portrait, nice ...
To be able to give and keep a glimpse of the soul flowing back,
forge memory,
the one that doesn't erase ...

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