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Pigs for breakfast

New Year's day - Business and traditions Vs public health
With or without trichinella spiralis ("Trichinosis") pigs come, pigs go ...
Bunches of pig heads, with or without trichinosis, that "slight" deadly disease that progressively destroys the human brain, blood dripping down the side of the narrow street, guts sold by the subway, piles of bodies without legs and split in half. ..New year and pig meat buyers arrive on the market.
A drunk, who likes to get ahead of the festivities, hesitates a little further, desperately trying to remember his name, or at least put one foot before the other. Perhaps the infamous drink jugs diluted with dyes, gasoline or methyl alcohol, drinks that the Mayor's Office was unable to seize, have something to do with their condition. At first it hurts, then anesthesia, then it's just a matter of fate ...
I turn my gaze and leave the drunk in his private function of the roller coaster, while a saleswoman yells at me: "And this gringo ... pa'ké takes pictures ?!" . Other trucks full of pigs arrive that the Municipal Guard will have to inspect and seal or seize. Loaders run with meat on their backs through the narrow streets of the market. The ladies coming from shopping look tirelessly at the legs, heads and bodies scattered around the stalls, looking for "their" prey for the end of the year dish. Land, customs, business, blood, luck, death ... The same mix of always with another number, a new year.