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Coca dance

Coca is coming, coca is going, in the wind of an always uncertain destiny
It attracts tourists eager to smoke it to see if it has any effect on them, drug traffickers who use it to make base sulfate and cocaine chloride that yes, this time, does work. It is found at the bottom of the mines, in the countryside, among the poor who use it as a food substitute, richer than the "p'ilchean" (they chew) while they are out, because it is "on the wave" and richer even though their illegal derivatives are put in the nose. Yatiris use it to read luck, healers to heal illnesses, tourists for altitude sickness, and aspiring revolutionaries take it as a useful symbol. Harvested, chewed, stepped on, spit on or burned, the coca leaf only has defenders and enemies, since almost nobody is indifferent to it.